This is a new low in boring titles. But in 1985 a personal computer was a thing of wonder for an engineer. I paid somewhere close to $4,000 back then for a system with no hard drive. I got the extra option of a color graphics monitor. I thought it wasn’t a computer if you couldn’t do graphs on it.
Software included PE (personal editor), Lotus 123 (which Microsoft later ripped off to turn into Excel and drove Lotus out of business), and BASIC (a computer language). And I’d love to tell you about Prodigy!! (look it up)
I loved that computer. I used it to chart Rachel’s contractions with Sara (half joking, half serious. Yeah, probably more than half serious).
I eventually added a whopping 20MB hard drive, more memory, and some other things. Asteroids was the greatest on the PC.
These manuals and software disks are all that remain. I advertised the PC and the software for free on Ebay and Craigslist and got no takers. I sadly took it to the hazardous waste disposal day in Manassas. But it was part of freeing me from ‘stuff’. I eventually put these manuals and disks in the trash can at the curb. Sad, but true.
Time to move on.